If you want to get to know the FAU a little better, find out what the individual working groups and sections are doing or you just want to chat with comrades, then come to our Stammtisch!
Stammtisch @ Baiz, 03.07.24.

If you want to get to know the FAU a little better, find out what the individual working groups and sections are doing or you just want to chat with comrades, then come to our Stammtisch!
Have you ever wanted to do labour organising in your workplace? Or perhaps you have already been busy organising and want to pick up some new skills and ways of looking at the problem? The FAU Berlin are hosting our first 2 day long IWW organising 101 training (in English) from 09:00-17:00 on both Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th of July.
The AG Pflege of the Section Gesundheit & Soziales is calling and inviting people to take part in the Walk of Care 2024: Health for all or there will be riots!