In addition to our monthly counselling, there are a few activities in December that might interest you: The Potsdam city section is supporting a trial and rally for the AStA employees’ dismissal claims. In the middle of the month, the organiser training with a focus on the building of workplace groups will take place, there are still open spots. We would also like to celebrate the end of the year with you on 7 December @ our Lokal.
End Of The Year Party 07.12.24
The year is once again drawing to a close and we have achieved a hell of a lot in the last twelve months. This calls for a proper celebration! On December 7th our end of year party will take place in the FAU-Lokal. All members, colleagues, friends and family are invited.
14.—15.12: Organiser Training: Betriebsgruppenarbeit
Am Wochenende des 14. und 15. Dezembers wird der vierte Organising-Workshop des Jahres stattfinden. Der Fokus wird diesmal auf der Betriebsgruppenarbeit liegen.