
The AG Pflege of the Section Gesundheit & Soziales is calling and inviting people to take part in the Walk of Care 2024: Health for all or there will be riots!

Where: Invalidenpark

When: Sunday, 12.5, from 15:00

Whether in the clinic, at home or in the daycare center. Care work is hard, often unappreciated work and yet the profit-oriented market does not stop there. Patriarchal structures are reproduced particularly where care is concerned. Care work is either not paid at all and justified with sexist role models and, if it is paid, then so poorly that old-age poverty threatens after a lifetime in the care profession. This system makes people ill, which is why we have come together as an alliance of professional carers, trade unionists, intersectional feminists and anti-fascists.
 We want to fight for the recognition of care work and for needs-based healthcare without profit interests!

We are taking to the streets for International Health Workers Day!
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