Input and discussion | Friday 10.01, 7 pm | Grüntaler Str. 24

Dear FAU members, we would like to invite you to a short input and subsequent discussion on the topic “Industrial action meeting in our syndicate” on January 10 at 7 pm.

A person from FAU Leipzig will introduce us to the concept, report on lived experiences and be available to answer our questions.

In Leipzig, the “Industrial action meeting” (Arbeitskampfversammlung – AKV) has been at the heart of trade union practice since 2021. Individual and collective industrial disputes are brought together here and trade union advice is also coordinated. The processing of consultation cases and individual disputes is thus spread across as many shoulders as possible and new members are given a quick insight into trade union practice.

In Berlin, great trade union work and successful labour disputes take place primarily in the sections. For members without a section we need better tools. We are curious to see whether the AKV concept could also revitalize and collectivize our trade union practice in Berlin. How would it need to be adapted in order to integrate it profitably into our existing structures? What else is exciting to consider?

We look forward to hearing about the practices of other syndicates and discussing them with you!

An English language whisper translation will be provided.

What: Concept presentation – “Industrial action meeting” + Discussion.
When: 10.01.| 7 pm.
Where: FAU-Lokal, Grüntaler Str. 24

Concept presentation: “Labor Struggle Assembly” by FAU Leipzig