Overview of the counselling services for members:
Twice a month there is the opportunity to discuss legal issues with a lawyer. The deadline for registration and submitting questions is the Sunday before each meeting.
If it is not possible to attend in person, the questions can be submitted in a written way.
Legal advice from a lawyer (2nd Tuesday of the month, 5.00 pm: There will be an online legal consultation with RA Klaus Stähle.
Contact: faub1681@fau.org
Legal advice from a lawyer (4th Tuesday of the month, 5.00 pm): There is an online legal consultation with RA Rupay Dahm.
Contact: faub354@fau.org
Links to other consultations for non-members:
- Are you a member of a DGB trade union and your concerns initially relate to you alone? You can get advice from Legal Aid or your union secretary.
- Self-organized labour consultation for FLINTA* (i.e. not for cis men): https://8m365.noblogs.org
- Prefer Spanish consultation to German or English? -> contact Oficina precaria