What are the goals of FAU Berlin and where does it want to go?

Safeguarding Worker’s Interests is at the Heart of Our Work

As a trade union, the primary goal of FAU Berlin is to safeguard and promote the working and economic conditions–as well as the cultural and social interests–of its members. In doing so, it uses various trade union means to enforce demands and to safeguard what has been achieved. To this end, it also works to deepen and broaden the education and skills of its members.

Organising for Solidarity

Social interests are complex. For this reason, the FAU Berlin strives, beyond its own membership, to promote the awareness of wage earners about their common situation and interests as well as the spirit of solidarity and cohesion. Another goal of the FAU Berlin is thus to expand the solidarity cooperation of wage-earners across organisational, sectoral, and national borders.

From Daily Struggle to Change

We see ourselves not only as an interest organisation, but also as an organisation fighting for transformation. By uniting and expanding struggles, we want to gain momentum to bring about changes in society as a whole. Our goal is an economic and social order based on collective self-management. The task of the FAU Berlin is therefore also to create the foundations for this in the economic region of Berlin.