Patriarchy and capital working hand in hand? Feminist class struggle is our answer! A 4-day week, paid time off during menstruation, more holidays and an early finish: how can we fight for a reduction in working hours while keeping wages the same? In our workshop, we want to get an overview of the basics of self-organised trade union actionin the workplace:
- How do we organise with our colleagues?
- How do we find the pressure points of the management?
- What does an escalation strategy look like?
On the occasion of the feminist day of struggle and in solidarity with the demands of the Federation of General Workers Myanmar (FGWM), we want to learn together how to achieve improvements in our working conditions.
When: Thursday 13.03. from 18:00 – 20:30
Where: FAU-Lokal (Grüntaler Str. 24).
Women and genderqueers only.
AG8M, FAU Berlin
Further information and fundraising campaign for the FGWM: