BERLIN, July 06, 2023 – When they first started this year, they were not sure of their success: after seven months of court hearings, demonstrations, press work and self-organization, the mass-dismissed workers of eco CARRIER AG and velo CARRIER GmbH
Perseverance pays off: Unionized riders achieve victory against former company

PRESS RELEASE – BERLIN, July 06, 2023 – When they first started this year, they were not sure of their success: after seven months of court hearings, demonstrations, press work and self-organization, the mass-dismissed workers of eco CARRIER AG and velo CARRIER GmbH agreed to an out of court settlement for the payment of all outstanding wages and additional severance payments.
On Wednesday, the 21.06. the time had come. In the office of the Free Workers Union (FAU) Berlin, the negotiators of the FAU and CEO Raimund Rassillier agreed on a severance payment of about one month’s wages per worker and the payment of outstanding wages.
The struggle at ecocarrier continues
The struggle at ecocarrier continues. Management has failed to provide a reasonable offer for the damage it has caused to workers lives. Instead they have provided wild and unfounded accusations of “criminal” activity. As if the basic act of workers